Saturday, June 15, 2024

Navigating a Name Change Hearing in Michigan

family law Ann Arbor
The name change process in Michigan involves a court hearing. Here's what you can expect:

  • Publication Notice: A notice of your name change will be published in a local newspaper.
  • The Hearing: The judge will ask about your reasons for changing your name (not for fraudulent purposes).
  • Minors Require Parental Consent: If you're changing a minor's name, permission from both parents is mandatory.

For expert guidance throughout the process, consider contacting a qualified attorney. They can help ensure a smooth transition and answer any questions you may have.

Learn more regarding changing your name in Michigan here.

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you have questions or want more information and expert guidance, contact Steven Tramontin, criminal defense and family law attorney. He’ll make sure you know what to expect when it comes to changing your name.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Considering a Name Change in Michigan? Here's What You Need to Know

family law Ann Arbor

Thinking about changing your name? You're not alone. Many people choose a new name for various reasons, from personal preference to reflecting a new identity after a life change.

In Michigan, the process typically takes 4-6 months and varies slightly depending on your county. Here's a quick overview:

  • It's a Multi-Step Process: Expect fees, filing a petition with the court, a background check, a hearing, and fingerprinting.
  • Court Approval is Needed: A judge ensures your name change isn't fraudulent (avoiding debts or criminal history).
  • Birth Certificate Update: Legal name change doesn't update your birth certificate. A separate application to Michigan DHHS is required.

Learn more regarding changing your name in Michigan here.

Stay tuned for our next post where we'll delve deeper into the specifics of the court process and what to expect at the hearing.

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you have questions or want more information and expert guidance, contact Steven Tramontin, criminal defense and family law attorney. He’ll make sure you know what to expect when it comes to changing your name.