Monday, February 15, 2021

Virtual Meetings Easily Replace In-Person

estate planning Ann Arbor

Virtual meetings can easily replace an in-person meeting. For those desiring an in-person meeting, temperatures are taken and plastic screens are present to ensure all our clients are provided with exceptional services in a timely manner while keeping their health at the forefront.

If you want to start your estate planning process and sign your documents remotely under these new procedures, please contact Marty Bodnar, estate planning attorney at 734-665-4441.

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you’re interested in learning more about estate planning and the entire range of special needs planning options that are available and what options are best for your situation.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Legal Profession Has Had to Adapt Quickly to the New Normal!

estate planning attorney Ann Arbor

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unsettling time for all of us. It has placed many restrictions on getting business done, but as the old saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention”. 

Michigan Courts have embraced Zoom to assist with public hearings. By simply signing into the correct courtroom, you can properly address the Court.  By helping to protect the health and safety of those most at risk, like the elderly and those in nursing and assisted living, the Courts have adapted to serve our community.  

Learn more here!

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you’re interested in learning more about estate planning and the entire range of special needs planning options that are available and what options are best for your situation, please call Marty Bodnar, estate planning attorney at 734-665-4441.