Wednesday, May 15, 2019

You Can Now Adopt a Policy That Prohibits the Possession of a Firearm on School Property.

municipal law ann arborThe Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that a local school district may adopt a policy that prohibits the possession of a firearm on school property. The outcome of the case was in doubt considering prior appellate court rulings that a municipality may not establish gun-free zones on municipal property. The basis for earlier rulings that address possession of a gun on public property include:

  1. Municipalities are prohibited from regulating guns by local ordinance.
  2. A person with a concealed pistol license may carry a concealed pistol anywhere in the state except on certain premises. 
  3. A firearm may be openly carried anywhere in the state with certain premises excepted.

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you would like to learn more about concealed or open carry gun laws or municipal law services at PSED Law, contact us today! Schedule an initial consultation. 734-665-4441

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Possession Of A Gun On Municipal Property

municipal law ann arborThe Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that a local school district may adopt a policy that prohibits the possession of a firearm on school property. The outcome of the case was in doubt considering prior appellate court rulings that a municipality may not establish gun-free zones on municipal property.

This new law distinguishes between types of premises and sets different rules for concealed versus open possession and for members of the public versus municipal employees.

Learn more here!

Get Started Today: Schedule Your Consultation!

If you would like to learn more about concealed or open carry gun laws or municipal law services at PSED Law, contact us today! Schedule an initial consultation. 734-665-4441